Can people really shape-shift? Can you can really turn into an animal, or another person? I know we see it all the time on television. After all they’re popular shapeshifters like Sam Merlotte from True Blood, Sirius Black from the Harry Pottery movies, and Mystique from the X Men comic book series. So, in this video, I am going to explain what shape-shifting really means and entails. And teach you a technique on how you can raise your vibrations to shape-shift into a brand new you. So, stay tuned.
This is a topic that I wanted to talk about on YouTube for some time. Now, in this video, I am not going to go over physical abuse, because I feel that there is more than enough information along with resources to guide you. Rather, I am going to talk about emotional and verbal abuse in relationships. In the metaphysical world, we refer to these types of relationships as toxic, because they involve a great deal of energetic dumping or in more severe cases, energetic raping. So, in this video, I am going to give you some signs of an abusive relationship, how to gain the strength to leave it, and how to heal from the trauma. Stay tuned.
Here’s a question that I get a lot. How do you get the law of attraction and love spells to work quickly? People even want their love spells to work within 24 hours, instantly, even overnight. There’s a few things that you need to understand about spells, the more complicated the request, the longer it will take to work. However, you can cast little spells, such as getting someone to call you rather quickly on certain days of the year. How can you do this? You can do this by working with different moon phases. I’ll show you how to do that in this video.
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