
Showing posts from February, 2018

How to change your appearance and look years younger: powerful Merkaba meditation

Why do people age differently? We know that diet, and external pressures such as stress can accelerate the aging process. But is there a way for us to reverse the aging process? Many of us have struggled with losing weight, and trying to change our bodies, so that we fit into main stream society. But we also know that fad diets don’t work, and we don’t want to spend the rest of our lives eating wheat grass and kale. Is there a way for us to change our appearance without struggling and suffering in the process? The answer to that question is yes. So, in this video, I am going to recommend a powerful manifestation technique, that will not only help you change your appearance. This technique may also help you lose weight and also break many of those bad habits.  

How to change your appearance and look years younger: powerful Merkaba meditation

Why do people age differently? We know that diet, and external pressures such as stress can accelerate the aging process. But is there a way for us to reverse the aging process? Many of us have struggled with losing weight, and trying to change our bodies, so that we fit into main stream society. But we also know that fad diets don’t work, and we don’t want to spend the rest of our lives eating wheat grass and kale. Is there a way for us to change our appearance without struggling and suffering in the process? The answer to that question is yes. So, in this video, I am going to recommend a powerful manifestation technique, that will not only help you change your appearance. This technique may also help you lose weight and also break many of those bad habits.  

Manifest anything in 24 hours or less, ancient mystic secret

Here’s a question that I get a lot. How do you get the law of attraction and love spells to work quickly? People even want their love spells to work within 24 hours, instantly, even overnight. There’s a few things that you need to understand about spells, the more complicated the request, the longer it will take to work. However, you can cast little spells, such as getting someone to call you rather quickly on certain days of the year. How can you do this? You can do this by working with different moon phases. I’ll show you how to do that in this video.

Here’s a mystic love spell that will get him addicted to you forever (well, almost)

Just take a look at some of the best romance films of all time. Look at Pretty Woman , Titanic , the Princess Bride , and classic, West Side Story . What do all of these films have in common? Well, they share the same common trope, opposites attract and makes for a great romance, but terrible long-term relationships. In fact, the only people who seemed to have a chance were the characters from The Playbook , and they both were crazy. So, what’s my point? My point is that if you want a man to become addicted to you, you’re going to have to get him addicted to an experience. I know, sounds confusing, but I am clear everything up in this video, so stay tuned.

How to manifest using the Metatron cube?

The Metatron cube is a powerful symbol, especially when used to manifest and yes, explore the parapsychological realms of telekinesis. In this video, I am going to explain how people misinterpret the meaning of telekinesis, and how moving things with your mind is not just a myth, or superstition, it’s an actual scientific fact.  

Make him miss you love spell

You’re really into that special someone, but you don’t want to come on too strong. After all, men like to chase. And if you appear desperate and needy, you might just turn him off. But, he’s a good catch, and you don’t want to lose him either. So what do you do to get him interested or keep him interested? You can cast this make him miss you love spell. 

How to manifest using magic symbols

We’ve all seen the ankh, the cross, and yes, The Star of David. We’ve all had those weird experiences such as Deja vu. We’ve also had the experience of thinking about someone, and within an instant they call. Is this all a matter of happenstance? Or is there an underlying driving force that is causing all of these things to happen? In this video, I am going to explain to you how certain phenomenon such as Deja-vu is not a coincidence, and how you can use magic symbols and sigils to manifest your dreams and desires, so stay tune.  

Here’s a new moon manifestation ritual that will turn you into a Jedi Knight

People talk about New Moon rituals. And they talk about full moon rituals. They constantly get you to prepare certain spells and manifestation rites. However, you’ve done a great deal of these rituals and haven’t seen any results, at least not yet. So, what’s the secret? Are you doing something wrong? Well, in this video, I am going to explain to you the power of new moons, and how you can use them to manifest 10x faster, stay tuned.